SF: Future of the Enterprize

2 May 2009
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To further the TED conference’s mission of promoting ideas worth spreading, it has established the TEDx program of independently organized TED events.

The Advance network is running its first TEDx event on May 5 in San Francisco.

Ross will share key findings from his recently launched book Implementing Enterprise 2.0. The discussion will focus on key facets of how the enterprise will change, including structure, staffing, funding, and the use of social and communications technologies. 

The list of  speakers for this event are:

  • Ross Dawson, Futurist, Chairman, Future Exploration Network
  • Verna Allee, CEO, ValueNetworks.com and author, The Future of Knowledge
  • Sam Diaz, Senior Editor, CBS Interactive
  • Melissa MorelAdvance San Francisco Committee – TEDx


The live streaming will be available on May 6 (Wed) at 7:30am (Singapore time)

For more details, check out the registration page

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