What happened at the SiTF exhibition

We had our first exhibition 3 weeks ago. The response was very good. A lot of people are interested in what we are offering. We were so busy talking to the attendees during the exhibition, so I can only share the photo that I have taken before that.

Our tagcloud banner

It was also a good time to network with the heavyweights of the industry. I managed to get the opportunity to have a photo with Mr Frank Koo, (Managing Director, Oracle Singapore).

Photo with Frank Koo, Managing Director, Oracle Singapore

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  • semun says:

    hope that the event brought you loads of opportunities

  • Sim says:

    Hi Semun,

    Yes, we were overwhelmed by the number of meetings for these few weeks.

    SiTF is indeed a good and effective platform for IT companies to showcase their solutions and network with one another 🙂

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