• 4 tools to make life easier for software developers

    19 June 2014
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    It is not easy being a software developer today. A software developer needs

    • to link code changes to the related features/bugs
    • to report to project managers on status updates
    • to work and integrate codes for other fellow developers
    • to code, test and deploy fast
    • to know many software applications for different tasks

    Atlassian has been dogfooding their tools to streamline the application development process and has released their first suite of tools – Git Essentials.

    Git Essentials - JIRA, JIRA Agile, Bamboo and Stash

    The 4 tools (JIRA JIRA AgileBamboo and Stash) can be integrated seamlessly with each other to enable developers from filing the bug, coding the fix till deployment. And because they are from the same company, the integration can be done easily with minimal configuration.

    The key benefits of Git Essentials are:

    • Integration – All the tools are nicely integrated together easily
    • Visibility –  Related information are presented in context
    • Traceability – All the information are linked automatically
    • Time saving – Information is accessible directly
    • Faster learning curve – a same look and feel interface as though it is just 1 single application

    Check out Atlassian’s infographic on how everything works together

    how Atlassian tools works together

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