5 Things to Know for Scaling JIRA Performance

Atlassian’s Five Secrets of JIRA Performance at Scale webinar shared some useful insights on scaling JIRA performance.

Here is a pictorial summary will be useful for those who missed the video.

1) JIRA 6.4 is 30% faster than JIRA 6.3

Response Time - JIRA 6.4 vs JIRA 6.3

2) Custom fields have the most influence on the speed especially on creating issues

Custom Fields and Performance

3) The number of users does not have much impact on the speed

# of Users on performance

4) JIRA can support more issues without much degradation in the performance
# of issues on performance5) Running JIRA on Java 8 is 13% faster than on Java 6


Java 1.8 vs 1.6 response time

For details, you can check out the video below or the detailed report at https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/ENTERPRISE/Scaling+JIRA

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