Launch of Confluence 3.0

3 June 2009
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Confluence 3.0 has just been launched yesterday with many new features and improvements over the previous version:

  • Now users can tap on the power of the macros easily without learning the makeup language with the macro browser
  • They can find out more about their coworkers and discover experts with enhanced user profiles
  • They can connect with their coworkers with Status Update (Twitter for your enterprise) and activities stream within their network.

Check out the video for a quick overview of what’s new!
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2656857&w=425&h=350&fv=]

more about "Confluence – 3.0 Overview video", posted with vodpod

For more details, you can check out Atlassian’s official announcement on Confluence 3.0

And here is how the community has reacted to Confluence 3.0’s launch.

Gil Yehuda, a former Forrester Analyst:

I found though both formal and informal surveys that Confluence lives at or near the top of the list of Enterprise Wikis when I speak to large enterprises.  I can’t quote the formal data, but I can share the following anecdote:  Many times I’ll ask a crowd how many people use wikis in their organization, then I’ll ask how many of those installations are Confluence.  Typically about half of those who say they are using a wiki will keep their hands up.

Bill Ives

Many large enterprises, like Accenture or Sun, have sanctioned Confluence as their IT approved wiki standard. Customers frequently use Atlassian’s Universal Wiki Converter to migrate other wikis to Confluence.

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