How to enable active collaboration with your wiki

What a wiki cannot do

Being a Confluence wiki user for several years, I have experienced the following difficulties:

  • I have to email people after posting pages/comments to get their acknowledgement/approval/comments
  • I got difficulty tracking which pages/comments that I need to reply after a few days elapsed

There is a lot of extra work duplicated between the wiki and emails. And when people conveniently reply to the email instead of posting to the page. The collaboration and knowledge leaves the wiki back into the emails.

As such, I observed that a lot of wikis are mostly used for passive collaboration like knowledge bases, FAQs and intranets.

However, Ad Hoc Workflows plugin for Confluence patches the gap and enables Confluence with the capabilities of:

  • assigning of tasks
  • defining workflows

How we use it

I will share one of the scenarios on how we use the Ad Hoc Workflows plugin to collaborative actively.

  1. After each meeting, one of us will draft the meeting minutes into our wiki
  2. Upon the completion of the draft, the author will assign the attendees a task to review the minutes
  3. We will receive an email notification to inform us of the task with a link to the wiki page
  4. Likewise, we can also see a list of our outstanding tasks on the dashboard for follow-up
  5. We will go to the wiki page to make minor changes or post comments
  6. Once everything is ok, we will mark the task as completed
  7. The wiki page is then marked as approved once everyone has completed their reviewing tasks

Another example

It can also support more sophisticated workflows as shown in the video below.

For more information, check out Ad hoc Workflows’ official website

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