Stash 2.0 – Giving you more control with DVCS

10 December 2012
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Atlassian has launched Stash 2.0 together with Enterprise Support for it. Stash is an on-premise Git Repository Management solution that allows teams a central way to manage all the distributed and growing code base.

With Stash, it will be possible to

  • integrate with corporate LDAP
  • enforce permissions at project or branch level
  • integrate with JIRA issue tracker
  • extend new features with plugins
  • and others

For those who are not heard of Git, it is fastest growing DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) that has increased from 13% (2011) to 27% (2012). People are switching from Subversion to DVCS to be more efficient, reduce dependencies among developers and to take advantage of the workflows.